Functional Testing 

If you’re feeling tired all the time, overwhelmed with where to start, struggle to eat due to digestion issues or food intolerances, this one’s for you…


You might be thinking, this is just the way life is in this season. You maybe went to the doctor but they told you everything looked good. You KNOW something is off, but you cannot pinpoint what it is or what to do about it.

My Road to Functional Nutrition

I get it. This was me after having two kids and trying to get back into a regular running and fitness routine. I was determined to get back to my “old self” at any cost, and didn’t realize the symptoms I was experiencing was more than just normal motherhood fatigue. When I finally DID realize something was off, I had to search out numerous doctors before one could see what was going on. And even then, I ended up having to be my own advocate, do my own research, and order my own tests to get them to see what was going on.

Health exists on a spectrum.

It’s not that your doctor is ignoring you. It’s that conventional healthcare is set up to cure disease, and in this model, there is a black and white line between health and sick. In reality, health exists on a spectrum. You can feel tired and bloated and moody, and at the same time there is something you can do about it! You do not have to accept things as they are until they get to the point of disease, medication, autoimmunity, and lifelong struggles.

Learn more:

Frequently asked questions about functional testing

Personalized functional testing assessment

It’s not that you need to have a diagnosis before you can feel better. It’s that you need someone to listen, to truly hear what is going on, and to help you craft a plan to get to where you want to be.

That may involve functional lab tests, including minerals, micronutrients, stool, and hormone testing to get to the root cause of what is causing your symptoms.

This is how you finally start to get answers and feel better.

This is how you live a life that is vibrant, full, and joyful. Through having your truth heard, shifting your mindset about healing, getting physical answers from testing, and working little by little to create the life you want.

Interested in what functional testing option might be right for you? Fill out this form to get personalized feedback.

Annual Stress Assessment

A full panel of functional labs to support root cause healing

Your yearly nutrition physical is here.

Are you ready for health answers beyond just bloodwork?

Are you tired of being told everything is “normal” when you know something is off?

You think there is nothing else you can do.

You feel that you’re stuck by what your doctor says they can run or what they think you need or what insurance will cover.

You worry it may actually be all in your head.

It’s not that you’re stuck.

It’s that you need the right tests.

You CAN get the answers you need that actually explain how you feel.

The annual stress assessment is a complete testing package to help you get the answers you need and assess symptoms annually while they’re still whispers, before they turn into a full blown screaming diagnosis.


Think of this as your full nutrition workup, just like you do with an annual physical at your doctor, but with a complete mind-body, whole person lens.


A complete functional nutrition lab panel allows us to see the full picture of how stress is taking a toll on the body, from nutrient depletion to full blown disease progression.

Each Annual Stress Assessment includes:

  • 1 DUTCH Hormone Panel test kit mailed to your home
  • 1 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test kit mailed to your home
  • 1 GI MAP stool test kit mailed to your home
  • A comprehensive assessment and review of all labs by a credentialed functional medicine dietitan (me!)
  • A personalized protocol of next steps to support your goals
  • 1 30 minute call to discuss findings and answer questions
  • Option to add on bloodwork for custom micronutrient, thyroid, and iron labs.

Price: $1559

Want individual lab testing?

Get fast, thorough answers for your hormone-related symptoms. Offering HTMA, DUTCH, and GI MAP testing and analysis programs.

Receive a test kit by mail, complete it as instructed, and get your results analyzed by Stephanie who then provides customized recommendations along with a full program of training and resources to help you undersand and implement your protocol.

“I have been struggling nutritionally through Candida and trying to fuel my body for workouts and daily life. I knew I needed help! I was excited to do the HTMA so I could have a plan in place. I’ve been on a struggle bus for far too long. I’m excited to try something different and get my body back.” – Jessica

“I was flagged by my endocrinologist as being “iron deficient” due to low ferritin levels in my routine blood work. An appointment with a hematologist and four iron infusions later, supposedly I was good to go. Except I wasn’t.

Stephanie recommended that I do HMTA testing to see what was actually going on in my body. I had an iron dysregulation problem. Since that discovery, I’m not exaggerating when I say my skin was settled and back to normal within a month. My energy is back up again too, and my hair is not falling out in chunks anymore. 

I wanted to share this so that others know that there’s hope! I strongly believe that every athlete needs a coach AND a dietitian. They are not the same thing, and they are both crucial for overall health and optimal performance. Stephanie is a diamond because she’s a dietitian who is an athlete.” – Megan

“I know how to maintain my well-being now: what to eat, what to avoid, how to protect my sleep, how to manage stress, and how to be kind to my body.

Stephanie accomplished what rheumatologists, physical therapists, and acupuncturists couldn’t. She gave me a holistic nutritional and fitness makeover. She’s knowledgeable and, most importantly, she really cares.” – Monica