Online Nutrition Programs

If you’re looking for nutrition guidance but are not sure where to start, starting with a self-study online program will give you the resources to start working toward your goals.

Online Programs vs Coaching

When working with clients 1:1, we do a lot of coaching and support. This assumes a base level of education has been reached first, so we can focus on implementing and guiding and troubleshooting. But if you’re just starting to investigate your options and want to learn more, I’ve designed my programs to give you that first step of understanding your symptoms and what is at the root of your experience, and then actionable steps and tools to implement on your own timeline to begin to find success in your goals and your life.

Not everyone needs 1:1 coaching or even testing to feel better and reach their goals.

Oftentimes, what is missing is that information piece, which these programs are designed to give you. My goal is to have a comprehensive suite of programs for whatever stage you are currently in so that you can get the targeted support you need to fuel your body well, nourish your goals, and live life feeling vibrant and joyful.

In order to find real lasting change and healing, you need two things: information and integration.

All the knowledge alone cannot create change. It has to be integrated into your day to day life. Small habits built slowly over time, mindset shifts, and physical action. You can get both through these programs because I intentionally build action steps and tools into each part of the program to help guide you to success.

Online Programs

The online program library includes self-paced courses, masterclasses, and resources to fit whatever stage of the journey you are currently on. New programs are added quarterly, so be sure to get on the email list to be the first to hear when new programs are released and for early bird discounts.

Program library is currently expanding to include options to:

fuel your next training cycle

handle digestion and GI issues

optimize metabolic health

understand hormones and how to troubleshoot concerns

making mental shifts for healing and performance

combining mind. body, + spiritual health

Current Nutrition Programs

Fuel Like a Mother Runner

YES, fueling your training takes intention and planning. But it doesn’t have to be confusing or complicated.

This program gives you the strategy and tools to craft a race day and every day nutrition plan to help you train smart and reach your race goals confidently and well fueled. No more hitting the wall at the end of a race or wondering if you could’ve fueled differently to reach your goal.

Price: $297

Fuel Your Best Life

Fuel Your Best Life

Are you ready to find out what could happen if you stopped settling for good enough and actually chased whole person health?

Could you actually live free and alive?

This is the starting point.

Get to the root cause of your health concerns and symptoms and heal not just your body but your entire self, mind, body, and spirit so you can live the life you long for.

Price: $597



This is the missing piece to your health puzzle.

If you’ve been doing everything right, the nutrition, the exercise, even the rest, and nothing has changed, you’re at your wit’s end trying to figure out what you’re missing or what else you can do to move the needle, this is where that changes.

This is the body AND mind approach to healing that supports your nervous system, your adrenals, your thyroid, and your metabolism.

Price: $599

Learn the best ways to Get rid of Bloating and Optimize Your Digestion

… without fancy testing or supplements!

Have you struggled with bloating or constipation for so long, you’ve tried everything, and nothing has worked? Or  are you dependent on laxatives, fiber supplements, or caffeine to keep things moving? Are you tired of not knowing if you’ll fit into your clothes today or not, anxious about social situations and eating out, and just want some relief?

Grab my free training for 5 ways to beat the bloat and fix your digestion in just 5 days.

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