How to Rewire Your Brain: Resources for Exploring Neuroplasticity as a Christian

by | Nov 6, 2023

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If you’ve been looking for resources on how to rewire your brain from a faith based perspective, you’re in the right spot!

Rewire Your Brain to Heal Your Body

In navigating health and healing and reaching fitness pursuits, I slowly learned that whole person health is more than nutrition and activity.

Now we know health is more than eat less, move more. But its also much more than eat enough and move joyfully. We can do all the diet and exercise exactly as we should be for our bodies and still not see the benefits we’re chasing.

Because we are ignoring a huge component of health: our brains!

Physical healing demands attention to the whole person and that means a brain and body approach. We cannot separate the two. If you want to heal your body, you need to rewire your brain.

In working with clients in my practice, we first start with ensuring body safety. We get the body to a point where it can support mental and nervous system healing. And then when we look to rewire the brain and make changes, the body responds accordingly. It’s a circle that either continues to renew or wither depending on how we nurture it.

As I grew in my knowledge of the brain and the nervous system, I came across a number of fantastic neuroscience resources that talked about how our brains are able to change, rewire, and make new connections. But none of these resources were connected to what I knew of how our bodies and brains were made by a Creator, unique and complex. I wanted to find the connection point between my faith and the science of the brain.

Over the past year, I’ve slowly cultivated a list of resources that helped me forge this connection. And since science is always changing, and what I read and experience shapes my view of this topic, this list may change over time. This is a list of what has gotten me to what I know and utilize now in my practice on how to rewire your brain.

Because we are beings that like to study information but who also need to integrate that information in order to see effected change, I’m sharing resources in two categories: the information on how the field of neuroscience aligns with faith and then integration resources that can help you on your journey to use neuroscience to shift your subconscious beliefs and conscious actions (aka how to rewire your brain in action!)

I’m also including a list of related resources that don’t touch directly on neuroscience but were vital to my education on the subject my means of how we see our bodies, how our nervous system shares our brain’s communication to the rest of our bodies, and why the subjects of boundaries, emotions, and slowing down, are important to overall health and healing.

Information Resources to Rewire Your Brain

Anatomy of the Soul by Dr. Curt Thompson – This is a straight up explanation of the connection between neuroscience and spiritual practice.

The Soul of Shame by Dr. Curt Thompson – A deep dive into the neurobiology of shame and how to dismantle it utilizing theology.

The Soul of Desire by Dr. Curt Thompson – At the root of everything, we all want to be seen, known, and loved. This book connects neuroscience to spiritual formation and community.

Building a Resilient Life by Rebekah Lyons – If you struggle with chronic anxiety, this beautifully written book walks through both Rebekah’s own story of building resiliency and also how the tools she used are rooted in both Scripture and science.

Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen – This book explores the connection of thoughts to actions and how we can reshape our behaviors by transforming our minds. (Her upcoming book on emotions will be a good companion to this as well!)

Rhythms for Life – This podcast by Gabe and Rebekah Lyons explores a number of topics on rhythms to build resiliency. Episodes that directly talk to the field of neuroscience include Shift the Narrative with Laurie Lokey, The Science of Resilience with Dr. Curt Thompson, Retrain Your Brain with Debra Fileta, and the 9 part series on emotions with Dr. Chip Dodd from Fall 2022.

Revelation Wellness – Another podcast with a number of excellent episodes that talk directly to neuroscience in connection to faith. The weekly Monday “Revving the Word” episodes are also an excellent integration resource to begin applying the information heard as you move your body, metabolize pain, and release beliefs that are holding you back. Episodes to start with are #794 through #804 on the six stages of metabolizing pain.

Integration Resources to Rewire Your Brain

Holy Noticing by Charles Stone – If you need an integration resource, start here. This small but mighty book is not something you read as much as it is something you DO. Carve out 10-20 minutes each morning to read and apply the methods shared.

Breath as Prayer by Jennifer Tucker – If you finish Holy Noticing and want continued resources to actively support new neural pathways, this beautiful devotional gives practical breath prayers to use in every day life.

Breaking Free From Body Shame by Jess Connolly – For every woman who has struggled with body shame or hatred, you need this resource as you retrain your brain. Journal the questions at the end of each chapter. Do the hard work of navigating what is at the root of your body issues and let your brain and body be renewed.

Breaking Free by Beth Moore – This Bible study turned book dives right into how the Enemy is holding you back, how to set yourself free by breaking free from toxic thoughts, and how to replace those thoughts with Truth.

The Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton – Another resource for those struggling with their body, chronic dieting, or disordered eating patterns. This is another book that you DO not just read. With both movement audio to actively release thought patterns and breathwork audio to support slowing down and releasing emotions, Alisa has artfully crafted together neuroscience, body image, Scripture, and nervous system tools for whole person healing.

Reset by Debra Fileta – This is a 30 day plan to build habits that rewire your brain by owning your thoughts and understanding your feelings from a faith based perspective.

Sarah Jackson Coaching – Sarah is an excellent teacher and coach on not just how our brains work but also on how to actively shift and rewire your brain with breathwork and somatic exercises. She gives tips and insights on her Instagram account and more in depth coaching in her Restore membership (that I am a member of but have no financial affiliation to!)

Related Resources to Rewire Your Brain

The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan – Sabbath and rest are crucial to slowing down and giving the brain space to process and make new neural connections.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer – a Scripture based perspective on why we need to slow down.

The Voice of the Heart by Chip Dodd – To rewire your brain is to change your thoughts, but emotions also play a part in the conversation. Dr. Chip Dodd explains the 8 main emotions and how they can be used as gifts and not roadblocks to healing.

Good Boundaries and Goodbyes by Lysa TerKeurst – You cannot rewire your brain without bringing boundaries into the conversation. This is one of my favorites (along with the timeless Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud)

I Guess I Haven’t Learned that Yet by Shauna Niequist – A set of personal essays on having a growth mindset and being open to new perspectives, this is refreshing for anyone feeling alone in the process of shifting your thoughts.

Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen – A case for slowing down and letting go for all the people pleasers like me out there.

The Sacred Enneagram by Christopher L. Heuertz – If you know me, you can bet a list like this would include an enneagram resource! This one, along with Self to Lose, Self to Find: Using the Enneagram to Uncover Your True, God-Given Self by Marilyn Vancil are my go-to enneagram resources. In order to retrain your brain, you need to start with an understanding of who you are and why you are before you can implement change.

The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller – a small but mighty look at ego and self identity in light of Scripture.

I am continuing to learn and grow in this subject, so this list will change accordingly over time. I always love having conversations, so feel free to reach out to me with any questions or other resources you find on this subject!

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Last updated: 11/6/2023

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I help everyday active women nourish their goals and fuel their lives.

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