The 3 Most Common Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Fix Their Hormones

by | Oct 4, 2022

Ready to feel vibrant and confidently reach your goals this year?

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Many of us are worn down right now. From parenting to work to family stressors, it takes a toll over time. Add in the extra stress of the past few years, and we are depleted. 98% of the HTMA tests I run come back as a slow 1 metabolic type. This means the adrenals are worn out, the thyroid is worn out, and the metabolism has slowed down as a result. The body is DRAINED.

We feel the brain fog, the fatigue, the lack of interest in things we used to love. We try to DIY solutions based on what we see on Instagram or what a friend swears by that worked for her. Yet we somehow end up feeling worse.

I see 3 very common mistakes that women make when they first come to me for help. Things they have done to try to fix things on their own, but are not just not helping, they’re really hurting things more.

Mistake #1 – Dieting/Fasting

When we are drained of nutrients, energy, and resources, dieting or fasting are only further depleting our body. All food groups serve a purpose and provide necessary nutrition to our bodies. That means we need protein, carbohydrate and fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals. We need them in regular intervals during the day. And we need enough of them to not only fuel our day but also replenish the depleted stores. We need to eat MORE, not less.

Mistake #2 – Fast fix supplements

Supplements have a time and a place. I use them with almost all my clients. But no single supplement or protocol is going to be a miracle cure. It is still necessary to look at nutrition, activity, lifestyle factors, and stressors in order to restore health.

Mistake #3 – Giving it 4-6 weeks then moving on to something else

If the body has been depleted for YEARS, it’s going to take YEARS to restore it back to optimal health. And this is one of the hardest things for clients to hear. We want to feel better NOW. And while we can make some initial changes that will have you feeling better in just a few months, it is going to take a while to fully get to where you want to be. We have to be willing to play the long game, make changes that will be permanent in our lives, and realize that it will take many small steps built on top of each other over time to get there. A quick fix, fad diet, or temporary change won’t bring permanent results. The things that WORK take time.

This is why my programs are designed for long term success. We work together to make changes one step at a time, to get you feeling better quickly, but also to provide a framework that you can take into the rest of your life so that you can feel your best and not fall back into health patterns that won’t benefit you and your goals.

Interested in learning more about 1:1 nutrition coaching? Apply for coaching here and let’s chat!

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I help everyday active women nourish their goals and fuel their lives.

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