Why your thoughts are holding you back from your goals

by | Dec 6, 2022

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Want to know why your thoughts are holding you back?

Do you feel like you’re doing ALL the right things to improve your metabolism, decrease your fatigue, fuel your body well, yet you aren’t making any progress? You still feel just as sluggish, tired, and undernourished as when you started?

What if I told you the reason this keeps happening has nothing to do with nutrition, and instead has everything to do with your mindset and your thoughts? Your thoughts are holding you back from achieving what you want to accomplish.

If you’re thinking your mindset is fine, you know what you need to work on, this isn’t for you. Please keep listening. Because you need to hear this.

This is Why Your Thoughts Are Holding You Back

60-80% of primary care visits have a stress related component. And we know stress can come from many places, but a big one is our thoughts. 75-98% of mental, physical, and behavioral illness comes from one’s thought life. Let that sink in. Our thoughts can literally be making us sick, if we let them go unchecked and unresolved, and we spiral. Your thoughts are holding you back.

To summarize how Jennie Allen puts it in her book, Get out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts:

Our thoughts dictate our emotions. Our emotions dictate our beliefs. Our beliefs dictate our actions. Our actions over time form our habits. Our habits form our lifestyles that shape our days.

Jennie says: “No wonder so many of us have trouble sticking to change! We fall prey to that 70% negative thinking and then wake up one day utterly defeated. WE NEED A NEW NORMAL.”

We MUST start with our mindset. No habit change will stick, no healing will fully come about WITHOUT first changing our thoughts.

Your thoughts are holding you back. Now what?

So where do we start to take control of our thoughts?

  1. Recognize the thoughts that are currently happening.
  2. MAKE A CHOICE to interrupt those thoughts, reframe, and replace them.
  3. Take a tiny positive action in the direction we want to go.

This starts with awareness. We need to first be aware of the thoughts we have. 90% of our daily actions are dictated by our subconscious brain. We are acting on autopilot based on past experiences that the body has retained and remembered. It does this to keep us safe, to keep us alive, to keep us going. But not all these subconscious thoughts are beneficial to us now. Which is why after we recognize these thoughts, we need to make the conscious choice to replace them with thoughts that will take us in a new direction.

If your thoughts are holding you back, no other healing strategy will help if you’re struggling with ongoing health symptoms. The brain and the body are connected via the gut-brain axis and the vagus nerve. We cannot heal one without the other. Which is why if you’ve been stuck in your healing journey, your thoughts are an important place to look.

I’m going to challenge you to take some time this week to get quiet and reflect on your thoughts that run through your head every day. What negative thoughts are you believing about yourself that are holding you back? What CHOICE can you make to reframe and replace those thoughts with ones you can start to tell yourself over and over until you believe them? What ONE tiny positive action are you going to take today as a result of that positive belief?

To go one step further, I’m going to challenge you to tell someone about that thought, the resulting choice, and the tiny action. Tell a friend, tell a partner, or even tell me!

Further Resources On Why Your Thoughts Are Holding You Back

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I help everyday active women nourish their goals and fuel their lives.

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